
Top 4 why’s—and ways—to give back to your community

— Weichert Franchise

As a real estate professional, you have the ability to make a difference in your real estate community just by giving back. Whether it’s by sponsoring a local sports team or volunteering at the hospital, there are countless ways that you can show your love for the neighborhood where you conduct your business. 

Giving back is not just a “nice to do;” it’s an opportunity to authentically impact your customers and prospects and show them that you care about more than just selling houses. It can also help you build relationships with other community members and strengthen relationships overall. 

In fact, giving back is so top of mind that September 28th was declared National Good Neighbor Day way back in the 1970s. So, get ready to take part! Weichert® is about to take you through our top four reasons to give back to your community. We’ll share the why’s, and then equally important, the ways in which you can take action and make an impact.

Keep your community clean and beautiful

Here’s why:  When your community looks great, it attracts home buyers as well as businesses. Everyone wants to be there! As a real estate professional, you can take part in the beautification of your area and help it thrive. This also creates a sense of pride within the community, which motivates people to take roots in the town.

Ways to get involved:

  • Participate in a clean-up day 
  • Host a beautification project, such as painting park benches or cleaning up foot trails
  • Take part in an adopt-a-highway program
  • Plant something
  • Help your customers organize a garage sale on their block
  • Follow best practices for your business, including recycling and reducing energy use

Note: Remember to always check with your town first before hosting an event. This  ensures that you have the proper approvals lined up.

Be known among the people

Here’s why:  People are the heart of any neighborhood. So, when they know you and see how you are a part of the fabric of the community, you’re top of mind. When it comes time to sell their home or refer a friend who wants to move into the town, people will think of you. Many home buyers choose a neighborhood because of the schools. Get involved in ways that positively impact the schools and the children who attend them.

Ways to get involved:

  • Volunteer at the school, such as helping with a fundraiser or book drive
  • Sponsor a Little League team or volunteer to coach a team
  • Donate equipment or supplies
  • Sponsor a park bench or fence section at the park
  • Participate in family fun events, especially those around the holidays or during back-to-school time
  • Stop your car when you see local kids running a car wash event
  • Support kids around the holidays, such as participating as a business on the trick-or-treat trail

Support local initiatives

Here’s why:  There’s always something going on in a neighborhood. From local art shows to library events, animal shelter adoption days to holiday events at senior centers, there are many resources and services designed to support, engage, and gather the people in town. When you get involved in these initiatives, you build a real sense of togetherness with the people.

Ways to get involved:

  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter or food bank
  • Donate funds to a local museum or theater group
  • Host a booth at a local walk or run
  • Give a talk at the local library
  • Adopt a family for the holidays
  • Volunteer your talents, such as playing piano for the residents at the senior center

Get involved in legislature

Here’s why:  Legislature, which can include town hall meetings or volunteering on a local board, can be an opportunity where your leadership skills shine. It’s a powerful way to give back that can be a little bit more behind the scenes. You can utilize your business sense and real estate expertise to help address real issues in town, such as housing shortages or equal opportunity in housing. Just remember to weigh the time commitment vs. the time you realistically have to devote to it. Make sure you’ll still be able to keep your focus on client relationships and running your business.

Ways to get involved:

  • Attend town meetings
  • Ask to put a relevant topic on a meeting agenda, and speak to it
  • Seek out volunteer positions, such as joining the town board or a committee
  • Consider running for a local political position
  • Volunteer your talents, such as helping to improve the town’s website

A little extra inspiration

Still not sure how to give back in a way that is authentically you? Look to your expertise and talents. 

According to Forbes, “Good sources for volunteer positions where the skills of real estate professionals are especially valuable include the Residential Real Estate Council, Habitat for Humanity, and HUD. Look into the possibility of joining a committee that serves the departments of zoning, planning, or housing in your city… If you have a talent or skill, offer your services as a mentor, tutor, advisor, or consultant. Do you speak a second language? Are you a master gardener? Do you play an instrument? Seek out opportunities to share your knowledge.”

As you participate in any of these areas, be sure to share your brand—who you are, what you do, and how you’re a valued part of the community. It shouldn’t be a full-blown capabilities presentation. Just take a moment to mention your business, so that people can make the connection between you and your work.

In summary

The importance of giving back to your real estate community is crucial. Real estate professionals can play a pivotal role in improving the towns in which they operate, which fosters connection and belonging for everyone—from your customers to your team. When you’re actively engaged in the community, people see it. And therefore, they see you. Yes, they see you as the real estate professional of choice, but also as a person who genuinely cares about them and their community.

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