
Conquer the chaos: 5 time-management strategies for spring selling

— Weichert Franchise

Spring selling is ripe with opportunity. It’s also a pressure-packed time of year for real estate brokers and agents. With buyers eager to move before summer sets in and sellers looking to capitalize on the season’s peak demand, we find ourselves juggling an avalanche of leads, appointments, and negotiations. 

With 50+ spring selling seasons under our belts, Weichert® knows the surge in activity this time of year can be exhilarating, but it can also be a recipe for burnout. Here are 5 time-management strategies to help you survive and thrive.

1. Protect your time

During this peak season, we highly recommend the time-management strategy of time blocking to guard your precious minutes and hours. This strategy is exactly what it sounds like—it’s scheduling out every part of your day. (Yes, every part.) For example, emails. The inbox can quickly become a rabbit hole. When you time-block, let’s say, 30 minutes at the beginning and end of your day for emails, and also include 5- to 10-minute designated checkpoints throughout the day so you don’t feel disconnected, you not only plan your time—you protect your time. Without this discipline, it’s way too easy to spend the entire morning reading and responding to emails that aren’t that important.

How can you get started with time blocking? There’s a time blocking spreadsheet template you can use in Google documents. Or you can use the simple power of lists and sticky notes, or even put reminders and blocks right in your phone and calendar. Whatever method works for you, get started with the following tips:

  • Take an objective look at every detail of your day, from meetings to calls to scrolling on your phone.
  • Pay close attention to where and how you’re spending your time. Where is time well spent? Where is it wasted?
  • Think about must-happen items versus the ones that can wait until after the season. 
  • Prioritize items from most to least important.

Time management overall will help you to set parameters and boundaries, which is critical for making the most of real estate’s hottest season.

2. Communicate extra clearly

There’s a strong link between time and communication. Time is a finite and valuable resource that can influence how you communicate. For example, if you’re feeling the pressure of spring selling, you may feel rushed, stressed, or overwhelmed, which can affect your ability to communicate clearly. This can impact your ability to listen, respond, and follow up with others, which can erode the trust and reputation you’ve worked so hard to build.

Focus on the objectives of your communications. Ask yourself “what’s the purpose” to reaffirm and/or pivot your actions. As an example, what’s the purpose of your usual hour-long, once-a-week team meeting? Does the objective serve you well during spring selling? If not, why not repackage the time into daily 10-minute calls to review the day’s game plan? 

To sharpen your communications overall, be cognizant of the details, including your preferred communication methods (calls, emails, texts) and timelines. Whether you’re communicating with clients, prospects, or teammates, this can help to reduce miscommunication and foster a sense of trust and professionalism as you follow through without a hiccup this spring.

3. Empower your team

Use this peak time of year as an opportunity to draw from the strengths of your individual agents and team members. To delegate effectively, the National Association of REALTORS® offers these tips:

  • Have clearly defined tasks for the person taking on the assignment.
  • Set specific expectations and articulate them to the person.
  • Clarify your needs and establish boundaries with clear do’s and don’ts.
  • Encourage them to ask questions, seek help, and check their work for errors. 
  • Have the person reflect back to you the instructions, expectations, or deadline, including expectations on what they are to do and not do.
  • Reassure and remind people that everything they do is in service to the client.

By tapping into each person’s strength, you will all feel victorious as a team once spring selling is successfully completed.

4. Leverage your technology 

Spring selling is also a great time to put your CRM to work, especially automation. Be sure to utilize your CRM features like lead scoring, automated follow-ups, and task management to streamline client interaction. Let your CRM be your central hub, keeping all client information, communication history, and activity logs organized and accessible. If you’re curious to see how hard a CRM can work for you during spring selling, ask us for a demo of our CRM, myWeichert®, powered by kvCORE technology platform.

5. Maintain a work-life balance

While spring selling is a golden opportunity to grow your business, neglecting your personal life can lead to a host of negative fallouts, from resentment and fatigue to lost sales. Remember, spring selling is like a mini marathon. You need to do everything you can to stay in the race, and that includes taking care of yourself.

As you time-block your schedule, be sure to include time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes a day. Take a short walk, listen to music, maintain good nutrition. Take a few minutes to eat lunch calmly while sitting down instead of scoffing down a sandwich in the car. Even planning for a little simple silence can make a difference. “We’re constantly bombarded with voices, thoughts, sounds and priorities vying for our attention. Taking just a few minutes to sit in a quiet space with your eyes closed before your next meeting or conversation can bring you back with increased focus.” (RISMedia)

And while it may seem counterintuitive when you’re in go-go-go mode, be sure to get adequate sleep. This is critical for focus, decision-making, and maintaining a positive attitude during a demanding season. You might even want to time-block a realistic bedtime hour, and then be sure to stick to it.

Spring selling is our time, albeit intense. You’ve got this. Weichert is here to support you. Reach out today to find out how.

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