There is no denying that many real estate agents and brokers across the country experience the slowing season in Winter. While many will just accept this as being par for the course, in real estate, your drive to start off the new year with a bang can put you ahead of the game in 2020.
In between hanging those holiday decorations and doing all your shopping, you can use your extra time over the holidays to recalibrate, allowing your business to tear out of the starting gate in the new year.
Explain the Advantages of Buying A Home Now
One of the reasons that the spring season is so crazy in real estate is that people perceive it as the most convenient time to make a move. Conversely if more people understood the benefits of moving during the winter, they might be motivated to make the move now. Create blogs, videos, and podcast episodes to explain the advantages of moving during the less competitive winter season, such as lower costs and less competition to book moving companies. Share your best tips for moving in the colder months. Create this awareness all year round, but especially in the slower winter months.
Leverage New Year’s Resolutions
While many people focus on common new year’s resolutions like losing weight, there are plenty of people out there that resolve that this will be the year that they become a homeowner or move to the neighborhood of their dreams. With tax season right around the corner, remind people that their returns would be better spent on a down payment than something frivolous. Take advantage of this line of thinking while their motivations are still high by planning, promoting and hosting a first-time buyer seminars. Weichert, for example, supplies its affiliate offices with complete seminars in a box—including invitations, presentation deck and handouts–to host such events. This helps you connect with potential prospects early before they make the decision to act and engage with another brokerage.
Grab the Attention Of Sellers Early in the Year
Once the ground begins to thaw, it is a mad dash for agents to get their hands on all the shiny new listings. However, if you initiate relationships with people who are considering selling in the upcoming year now, you will already have your foot in the door when they are ready to list. Now is the best time of year to start holding seminars about how to sell a house. When marketing these seminars, be sure to tap into the common reasons why people may want to sell their house this year including an upgrade in lifestyle, a change in career, or even a change in their family needs. Weichert also supplies its affiliate offices with complete seminar kits to support hosting these types of events.
Focus on Your Existing Relationships
Once you have your buyer and/or seller seminars in place and operating like a well-oiled machine to attract new prospects, you can return your focus to your sphere. This is a great time to personally check in with everyone to see how their holidays were, what they are looking forward to in the year to come, and if there is anything you can do to help them. Remember, it is through the cultivation of your personal and professional relationships that you will attract your best clients. Having a good CRM system will allow you to do this efficiently.
Have a Great Post-Holiday Season, in Every Way!
Do you have the tools and systems in place to take advantage of the winter season and prepare you and your agent team for Spring? From farming materials, such as seminar kits to a powerful CRM to stay in touch with your sphere, an affiliation with Weichert can give you everything you need to compete. Sow the seeds for a great 2020. Make one of your new year’s resolutions to contact Weichert Franchising to find out more about how we can help you and your agents be more productive than ever.
Best wishes for a prosperous year ahead!