
Make the Most of the Home Stretch: Keeping Momentum in Q4.

— Michele Watson

Summer is over, the kids are long back in school, and the holiday season is right around the corner. As an experienced broker, you know that this is the time of year when agents sometimes struggle to stay motivated and focused on their production goals. You also know that if they can maintain their momentum, they can finish the year stronger than ever. Here are some ways you can help your team maintain, and even enhance, their motivation to close out the year on top.

Revisit the Goals Set Earlier In The Year

No matter how determined an agent may be to hit certain goals at the beginning of the year, day-to-day life as a business owner can cause them to lose focus. As their leader, reinforce those goals by meeting with your agents to review them, check on their progress, and provide actionable tips and motivation to keep the needle moving forward. If there are mentors active throughout the brokerage, you should also encourage them to continue to push their mentees to maintain steam and finish strong through the end of the year. The more aware agents are of their goals and benchmarks, the more likely they will work hard to meet those goals for the year.

If you have an Awards program, it’s a great time to pull out the level criteria. Awards are great motivators. Maybe you have a couple of agents just a deal or two away from reaching the next Award level. Bringing that opportunity to their attention might be just the motivation they need to buckle down and close two more deals. Imagine if you could get every agent in your brokerage to do that!

Educate Agents On Opportunities & Tactics

One of the best ways to keep agents focused and energized is to keep them in the loop on new ways to generate business or increase the exposure of their personal brand. In the Fall, ramp up your team meetings, newsletters, and team-wide communications and use them to educate your agents on any new technology, tactics, or networking opportunities that can help them create touch points with their client base. By providing your agents with this training, you will keep them pumped up. Also, Fall is a prime time for festivals and community events. Keep your eye on what is happening in your local market and encourage your agents to participate in local events that they may not have had time for in the busy summer months. Do it together as a team to increase agent engagement with your brokerage.

Start A Friendly Team Competition

Different people are motivated by different things. For many, adding a friendly sense of competition to business can provide a needed boost this time of year. Creating visuals that track progress in a common area to keep eyes on the prize is a helpful reminder to agents to keep hustling. You can start team-wide competitions on shared goals like the most listings won, open house traffic or properties under contract. You can also make it a race among agents to complete predetermined individual goals. Regardless of the type of contest you launch, adding a prize makes it fun and helps create the camaraderie you want inside your brokerage.

Who Motivates You?

As a broker, your role as cheerleader and facilitator for your agents is a given. But who cheers you on in the last quarter to reach your goals? Having a mentor or coach is great way to help you stay on track and give you the extra push you need to finish the year out strong. Weichert thinks this is so important, it assigns all its Affiliates a personal business coach. This coach helps with business planning, goal setting and helps you hold yourself accountable to your goals. Their expertise and experience of what works and what doesn’t takes so much of the guesswork out of building a successful real estate brokerage. Plus, you gain a network of hundreds of fellow affiliates who are enthusiastic to share advice, success stories, war stories and best practices.

Unlike other real estate franchises, the Weichert model is collaborative and proactive, providing experts in almost every area related to growing your business and training and recruiting your agents. It is a model very different from any other real estate franchise.

If you think you could benefit from being part of a respected real estate brand and comprehensive coaching and support, call us today or go to

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