
Winter: your ace for a strong spring selling season

— Weichert Franchise

The champion of selling seasons for real estate is undoubtedly spring. Data supports that the months with the greatest sales of the year are April, May, and June, with the top selling days in May. What’s a real estate professional to do the rest of the year, particularly the winter months when sales may dip like the temperature? Sit around and wait for the thaw?

Weichert® knows that there’s always something in a real estate agent’s control. Here are our recommendations for using the winter months to gear up for a strong spring selling season ahead.


Plan now for spring listings

To solidify your winning selling strategies for the season ahead we suggest setting up some spring-specific SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound.

For example, a SMART goal might be one that is in partnership with a customer who has agreed to list in the spring. Here’s how you might approach this type of goal setting:

  • S = Help [Customer Name] be ready for their first open house in May.
  • M = Set a plan together based on agreed-upon “to-dos,” such as declutter the den and paint the laundry room.
  • A = Provide them with a reminder checklist (nothing too long or overly ambitious).
  • R = Explain which tasks may help in the sale of the home and why.
  • T = Set a deadline for task completion, such as two weeks before the actual open house date; set deadlines for yourself, such as following up with them via email or phone call every Friday to offer support and gauge progress.

To that end, here are some tips to help you and your customers prep a listing for a spring showcase:

  • Schedule minor repairs and maintenance: Address any cosmetic issues, fix leaky faucets, and ensure all appliances are in working order. First impressions matter in a competitive market.
  • Enhance curb appeal: Even in winter, you can improve your home’s exterior by trimming hedges, shoveling walkways, and adding festive touches like winter planters or holiday lights.
  • Stage your listings professionally: Declutter, rearrange furniture, and create a warm and inviting atmosphere that showcases the home’s potential. Consider hiring a professional stager for maximum impact.
  • Prepare high-quality photos and virtual tours: Invest in professional photography and consider creating virtual tours to allow potential buyers to explore the property from the comfort of their own homes.

In addition, the National Association of REALTORS® offers some great advice, including a handy checklist to help sellers prep their home for a spring listing and/or open house.


Build new relationships 

Winter is also a good time to connect with leads—homeowners who might be considering selling in the spring. Here’s how to reach out and build rapport:

  • Host winter-themed open houses: Take advantage of the chilly season by hosting open houses with hot cocoa and cozy atmospheres. This can attract motivated buyers and generate leads for future listings.
  • Offer free home valuations: Provide potential sellers with an assessment of their property’s potential value. This can spark conversations about future listing plans and establish yourself as a trusted advisor.
  • Connect with homeowners through community events: Attend local events, volunteer in your community, and network with potential clients in their natural habitat. Building trust and relationships go a long way to being top of mind when they’re ready to make a move.


Kindle network connections

Use the off-season to nurture relationships with your professional network, which can offer invaluable referral resources during the busy spring season. Here are some ways to connect:

  • Reach out to past clients: Stay in touch by conducting pop-by’s, offering market updates, or simply checking in. They may have friends or family members considering a move and could refer you as their trusted agent.
  • Build relationships with lenders and inspectors: Develop strong partnerships with lenders and inspectors who can provide your clients with a seamless buying or selling experience.
  • Connect with local businesses: Network with complementary businesses like moving companies, interior designers, and home improvement contractors. They can refer clients to you and vice versa.


Stay sharp

Winter is prime time to invest in your professional development, finetune skills, and stay on top of market news and updates. Take advantage of the slower pace to:

  • Enroll in online courses or attend workshops: There are numerous online and in-person courses available on various real estate topics, from negotiation and marketing to market trends and pricing strategies. Update your knowledge and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Read industry publications and blogs: Stay informed about market changes, new technologies, and best practices by subscribing to relevant publications and following influential real estate blogs.
  • Network with other professionals: Attend industry events, connect with colleagues, and build relationships with lenders, inspectors, and other professionals who can support your business. Make this your time to connect with Weichert.


Refine your marketing 

While the market may be quieter in winter, it’s the perfect time to review and revamp your marketing approach for the spring surge. Here are some ideas:

  • Develop a targeted marketing plan: Identify your ideal clients and tailor your marketing messages to their specific needs and interests. Consider factors like demographics, lifestyle, and buying motivations.
  • Update your website and online presence: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Optimize your online listings with high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  • Leverage social media: Get active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Share valuable content, engage with potential clients, and showcase your listings.
  • Explore innovative marketing techniques: Consider virtual tours, online open houses, and targeted social media advertising to reach a wider audience.


Remember, while winter may lull some into hibernation, experienced real estate brokers use it as a launchpad for explosive Q2 growth. Encourage your agents to do the same.  By taking advantage of the calm, investing in your people and processes, and strategically laying the groundwork for spring listings, you can use winter to jumpstart a spring success story. 

Winter is also a great time to talk with us.

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